Previous Winners
"The OBGYN Resident Lounge" by Dr. Jonathan Cluett - First Prize Winner
"Between clinic, the ward, labour and delivery, and the operating room, each day in Obstetrics and Gynecology is a thrill. As an OBGYN resident at Queen’s University, our day begins and ends in the resident lounge. Here, we swap stories, impart wisdom, and share an endless amount of laughs. It’s in this room that lifelong bonds are formed. We were asked, “What does this room mean to you?” Here are our answers."
"QBOL is the Best" by Dr. Aalok Shah - Second Prize Winner
"This video is an attempt at creatively showcasing life as a Family Medicine resident at the Queen's Bowmanville Oshawa Lakeridge (QBOL) site. It is filmed at Lakeridge Health Hospital in Oshawa, and highlights the spaces family medicine residents typically work in, as well as the collegial work culture at QBOL."
"Network" by Dr. Sallya Aleboyeh
"Network explores the importance of working congruently with all the interdisciplinary members in the hospital and the value of creating a support system throughout residency. Having a support network can help build resiliency and improve one’s own wellness. In turn these benefits can be translated to improved patient care. The idea for this video was based on my own experiences learning to connect with my colleagues in new ways as hospital policy and municipal rules were fluctuating. Despite the struggles of the past year, I’m continuing to realize how privileged I am to be a resident physician."

"Ob/Gyn Wellness afternoon on Rock Dunder!" by Dr. Jennifer McCall - First Prize Winner
This is our OB/Gyn wellness afternoon at the top of Rock Dunder! We are all socially distanced to take this picture. We had a wonderful hike and ate a small picnic at the top, then stopped off at a patio in town. A great afternoon of debriefing, talking about like outside of residency, and getting some fresh air in the sun! Talk about wellness and team bonding!

"On call preparation" by Dr. Jessica Blom - Second Prize Winner!
You never know what you might need or who you might call on overnight! Best to be extra prepared! OBAnesthisa Unite!

"Rural PPE Fashion" by Dr. Kayla Gallo - Third Prize Winner
Dr. Norma Charriere and I working at the Prince Edward County COVID19 Assessment Centre this summer dressed in gowns, handmade by local seamstresses from donated clothes and bedsheets

"Views of Rural Medicine" by Dr. Kayla Gallo
Benefits of rural medicine: incredible views and post-shift swims at secret beaches

"The Battlements of Fort Henry" by Dr. Peter Gotz
An important part of resident life is feeling connected to the people and places of your community. There is a deep pride I feel for this city after having only lived here for a short period of time. One of the ways I maintain resident wellness is to immerse myself in the rich history of this city and discover its iconic landscapes. It has been a wonderful pass time to explore and learn about the people who make this place special.

"Old Growth" by Dr. Peter Gotz - Runner-Up
It has been amazing to see the resilience of my colleagues and community as a whole in dealing with this COVID-19 pandemic. People have been adapting, supporting one another, and showing true leadership in finding inventive ways to provide the best care possible. However, it is also important not to forget about personal wellness and self-care. Finding ways to stay fit and active has been more of a challenge this year. Getting out into nature and going for socially distanced hikes has been especially rewarding and fulfilling for me this year.

"Code Blue" by Dr. Noren Khamis - Runner-Up
Noren is attending to a code blue in Oshawa ICU. The environment at times can be chaotic but the collegiality of the staff allows for a great learning environment.

"COVID picnic" by Dr. Jessica Blom
Socially distanced picnic at Ontario Lake Park in late summer. How to see your co-residents safely!

"Ob/Gyn resident in Moosefactory on rotation" by Dr. Jennifer McCall
OB/Gyn residents get the chance to accompany staff to Moosefactory, Ontario, which is on the James Bay, to serve the clinical needs of people from that area (including people of the James Bay Cree) closer to home. While there you also get a chance to check out the island!

"Best Vaccine Distraction" by Dr. Erin Nishikawa
This photo was taken looking out through the window at a pediatric office room at the Peterborough Clinic. Any child who is lucky enough to see the helicopter land during their office visit leaves with a smile on their face!

"Fall Colours at the Trestle Bridge" by Dr. Erin Nishikawa - Runner-Up
One of the first things we did after moving to Peterborough for residency was buy hybrid bikes! Peterborough is a big cycling community and we really enjoyed exploring the many trails throughout the summer. One of the highlights was experiencing the gorgeous fall colours one post-call day from the Trestle Bridge along the Kawartha Trans Canada Trail.

"Working over Christmas" by Dr. Laura Scott - Runner-Up

"Celebrating New Year's Eve on call" - Dr. Laura Scott

"Apple Picking" by Dr. Ahila Vithiananthan - Runner-Up
Enjoying a weekend off with some apple picking

"Welcome to Residency" by Dr. Ahila Vithiananthan
The girls in our year at our welcome barbecue hosted by the upper year residents