If you are concerned about immediate or impending harm to yourself or someone else, please seek immediate assistance from onsite security or other authorities or call 911.
The MD Program is committed to a safe and healthy work environment and encourage you to address your concern. If you have experienced or witnessed a faculty member, other student, resident, other learner, health professional or administrative staff member doing something that was disturbing to you, please reach out.
YOUR FIRST POINT OF CONTACT is the Assistant Dean, Student Affairs via either:
- Email (learnerwellness@queensu.ca)
- The Learning Environment Feedback tool that can be found on Elentra here (bottom left corner). All emails submitted through this tool will be reviewed by Dr. Renee Fitzpatrick, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs.
The Assistant Dean, Student Affairs will meet with you in a safe and confidential space to debrief and to discuss next steps, one of which may be to make a formal report (anonymously or not) if you have provided explicit consent to do so.
If you feel that you have a conflict with Student Affairs, your option is to contact:
Associate Dean – Dr. Gena Piliotis mddean@queensu.ca
Options are described in the Student Complaints Policy.
Additional resources outside of the School of Medicine:
- The University Coordinator of Dispute Resolution (613-533-6095)
- Human Rights Advisory Services
- Queen’s Student Accessibility Services (QSAS)
- Chief of Medical and Academic Affairs, KHSC (613-549-6666 x4205) - christopher.gillies@kingstonhsc.ca
- Office of the University Ombudsperson