This award recognizes a resident and a faculty member who embodies and creates, through their words and actions, a positive, respectful, and inclusive learning and working environment. The award will be presented annually at the Postgraduate Convocation ceremony and will consist of an award and the addition of the winners’ names to the Living our Values plaque.
Resident and Faculty nominations will be sought from medical students, residents, and/or colleagues from other health professions. Nomination forms are available on the PGME Awards website, through a link on the Hidden Curriculum website, and through an annual request sent by email. The nomination form will ask for a description of how the person exhibited respectful behaviour, inclusivity, and/or notable collaboration, and how this impacted learners, the learning environment, and/or the clinical environment.
Selections will be made by the School of Medicine Hidden Curriculum Implementation Group based on nominations received. The awards will be granted based on the compelling nature of the nomination and not on the number of nominations received.
The deadline for nominations is April 15. Nominate someone today!