The CTAQ Executive is pleased to introduce Dr. Michael McGrath as the Ombudsman for the members of the Queen’s Clinical Teachers’ Association.
Dr. McGrath brings a wealth of experience in medical leadership in the hospitals, University and SEAMO to this role: he has previously served as CTAQ President, President of the Medical Staff at KGH/HDH, Head of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, twelve years as a member of the SEAMO Governing Committee, and a former member of the University Senate.
As your Ombudsman, Michael will be available to assist GFT clinicians at Queen’s who have questions about their rights and privileges within SEAMO, Queen’s University, the Teaching Hospitals or their Department/Unit.
Role of CTAQ Ombudsman:
1. Provide information/advice to CTAQ members, including but not limited to advice on both University and SEAMO appeals processes, human rights issues, and hospital issues.
2. Accompany and/or represent CTAQ members in meetings with, but not limited to the University and affiliated hospital departments, School of Medicine at Queen’s University or SEAMO appeals committees.
3. Assist the Executive in informing the members of their rights within SEAMO/School of Medicine, Queen’s University and affiliated Hospitals.
4. Through negotiation and mediation, attempt a collegial resolution of issues that might otherwise have proceeded to formal costly appeals and/or litigation.
5. Provide assistance to CTAQ members in other areas that might arise from time to time.
Dr. Michael McGrath can be contacted at: