CBME Program Lead (RCPSC) or Triple C Leads (CFPC)
The CBME Program Lead (RCPSC) is the faculty member who will guide the transition and implementation process for competency-‐‑based medical education at the program level. Within the Family Medicine program (CFPC), the faculty members most responsible for competency-‐‑based medical education are the Triple C Leads (site directors, curriculum director, assessment director, and faculty development director). The CBME Program Lead/Triple C Leads will, in collaboration with the Program Director, ensure all aspects CBME implementation are carried out within the program. This position will be allotted academic protected time.
The CBME Program Lead / Triple C Leads must hold a fellowship in the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC), the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), or equivalent international qualifications, and have demonstrated an interest in education and administration. The candidate must have strong organizational, communication, and leadership skills, and a solid foundational knowledge of CBME principles.
Resource Requirements
This position must have a defined Department/Division job description that is associated with adequate academic protected time and appropriate administrative support. The suggested guideline for minimum academic protected time is the following: 0.2 FTE/week (for all programs).
For small programs with limited faculty resources, whereby the Program Director may be chosen to be the CBME Program Lead, the following is recommended: +0.1 FTE/week(added to the existing FTE Program Director allotment).
The CBME Program Lead (RCPSC) / Triple C leads (CFPC) will work collaboratively with and be accountable to the Program Director.
Appointment and Review Process
The CBME Program Lead / Triple C Leads will be selected by the Department/Division Chair. It is the expectation that this position will be reevaluated once CBME is fully implemented across Postgraduate Medical Education in 2022. Consideration will be given at that time whether these positions should be fully incorporated into the role of the Program Director or kept as permanent roles across a program.
To the Residency Program (RCPSC)
- Lead the program curriculum transition to and implementation of competency-‐‑based medical education in coordination with the Residency Program Director.
- Lead the CBME curricular document process (SSEPAs, required training experiences, assessment system design.
- Lead the MEd Tech Central piloting and facilitate readiness for July 1, 2017 start date for all incoming residents.
- Liaise with other program CBME Leads.
To the Residency Program (CFPC)
- Liaise with the Program Director to direct the ongoing Triple C curricular model.
- Facilitate the use and ideas for ongoing improvements of the resident electronic portfolios (MedTech equivalent).
- Liasie with other program CBME Leads.
To the Department
- RCPSC programs -‐‑ Participate as a member on the Residency Program Committee and Competence Committee.
- CFPC programs –participate as a member on the Residency Program Committee.
- Assessment Director: Chair theAssessment Committee.
- Coordinate faculty development needs and training for Department/Division as it relates to CBME implementation (RCPSC) or delegate this to the Faculty Development Directors (CFPC).
To the University
- Attend all relevant CBME faculty workshops for PGME and/or identify a representative to attend when other responsibilities prevent attendance.
- Liaise with the CBME Faculty Lead and Director of Assessment and Evaluation for PGME to ensure progress is on target and meets criteria for implementation.
- Participate in National Specialty Committee CBD Program Workshops (RCPSC only).
- Liaise with other CBME leads across the country (CFPC).
Planned Review
- A formal review of this role description will occur in no more than 2 years time by PGME leadership.
CBME/Triple C Academic Advisor Role Description
CBME / Triple C Academic Advisors (AA) are faculty members who are directly responsible for supervising and supporting residents with their progression through residency training. This will involve regular meetings with assigned residents at regular intervals to conduct summative reviews of performance information; review, discuss, and facilitate the creation and implementation of individualized learning plans. These learning plans should document areas of strengths and weaknesses and identify priority areas/skills/competencies residents should work on in the immediate future (educational handover); prepare recommendations for the Competence Committee (RCPSC) or the Resident Program Committee (CFPC) regarding readiness for promotion to the next stage of training. Residents who have been flagged will require a formal review at the Competence Committee (RCPSC) or the Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC). AAs liaise with the Program Director and CBME Lead (RCPSC) or site directors (CFPC). This position should be compensated by academic protected time for program faculty (RCPSC), and/or by stipend for community preceptors (CFPC).
The CBME Academic Advisor must hold a fellowship in the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC), the College of Family Physicians of Canada(CFPC), or equivalent international qualification, and have demonstrated an interest in education. The candidate must have strong organizational, communication, and leadership skills, and a solid foundational knowledge of CBME / Triple C principles and MEdTech Central (RCPSC) or equivalent electronic portfolios (CFPC).
Resource Requirements
The CBME/Triple C Academic Advisors must have adequate academic protected time to carry out their responsibilities, and be supported by the Department/Division Chair.
The recommended ratio for the maximum number of Academic Advisors to Trainee number is 1:5. Academic Advisors should be allotted 2 hrs (1hr preparation, 1hr review meeting) every two to six months for each resident they are assigned, and no less than once per stage (RCPSC) (minimum 4 hrs per year, per resident). Ideally, Academic Advisors should meet with their trainees on a quarterly basis. Resident trainees in difficulty will require additional support from Academic Advisors in addition to this time allotment.
The CBME/Triple C Academic Advisors will be accountable to the Program Director (RCPSC & CFPC) and/or the site director (CFPC only). They may serve as members of the Program’s Competence Committee (RCPSC), or Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC), or be invited to meetings to present reports on the progress of the residents whose progress has been flagged.
Academic Advisors will recuse themselves from the Competence Committee’s/Resident Assessment Committee’s decision making about the residents they represent or if there is another conflict of interest.
Appointment and Review Process
The CBME Academic Advisors should be selected by the CBME Program Lead (RCPSC) or Triple C Leads (CFPC) in consultation with the Program Director (RCPSC & CFPC), site director (CFPC only), and/or the Divisional/Department Chair. The appointment will normally be for two or three years, with the possibility for multiple renewable terms.
To the Residency Program
- Support residents throughout their CBME / Triple C program curriculum in coordination with the Residency Program Director and CBME Lead (FRCPC) or site director (CFPC).
- Review individual resident electronic portfolios (1hr) and meet every 2-6 months with mandatory minimum of once per stage(RCPSC), or twice per year (CPFC), with each assigned resident (1hr).
- Co-create learning plans with residents which should be shared by residents with supervisors in upcoming rotations or alternative learning experiences. These learning plans should document areas of strengths and weaknesses and identify priority areas/skills/competencies residents should work on in the immediate future (Educational Handover).
- Participate in all faculty development relating to the Academic Advisor role.
- Participate in the process of developing enhanced learning plans, remediation and probation plans for residents in difficulty.
- Generate reports on resident progress and recommendations for promotion for the Competence Committee or Resident Program Committee review.
To the Department
- Participate in the faculty development needs and training of the Department/Division as it relates to CBME implementation.
To the University
- Remain up to date with the evolving CBME program literature regarding academic advisors.
Planned Review
- A formal review of this role description will occur in no more than 2 years time by the PGME leadership.
CBME Program Competence Committee (RCPSC)
Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC) Description
(Terms of Reference)
The CBME Competence Committee (RCPSC) or Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC) is a sub-‐‑committee of the Residency Program Committee. The Competence Committee (RCPSC) will meet regularly to review all resident progress and make decisions about promotion and the need for enhanced learning plans, remediation and probation for those residents whose progress has been flagged. The Resident Program Committee (CFPC only) will meet regularly to review all residents progress and make decisions about promotion and the Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC only) will meet regularly to make decisions about the need for enhanced learning plans, remediation and probation for those residents whose progress has been flagged. Performance indicators to be reviewed for the decision making process will include (but are not limited to) all documented performance information and written recommendations from Academic Advisors. The Competence Committee (RCPSC) and Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC) are independent decision making sub-‐‑committees of the Residency Program Committee and their primary focus is to make decisions on resident progress and promotion. Membership for the Competency Committee (RCPSC), or Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC), is part of the Department/Division administrative duties for all postgraduate training programs.
Its membership includes the Program Director and at least two other departmental faculty members. A program may consider, but is not mandated, to include a resident member from the program (chief or equivalent), and/or external faculty members from another Department/Division. The size of the Committee should reflect the number of residents in the program with a minimum size of three faculty members. In addition, Academic Advisors may, on an ad hoc basis, present their recommendation of a resident to the Competence Committee (RCPSC) or the Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC). The Chair of the Committee will be chosen by the Committee and should not be the Program Director. The decision to have a resident member on the Competence Committee (RCPSC) or Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC) should be made by the Resident Program Committee. Members of the Committee are normally from either the Residency Training/Program Committee or clinical supervisors associated with the program, including any external faculty members.
All faculty CBME Competency Committee (RCPSC)/ Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC) members must have a demonstrated interest in education, assessment, and/or administration.
Resource Requirements
The suggested guideline for meeting is once quarterly or as required to make timely decisions about resident progress and promotion. It is expected each meeting will be 30-‐‑60 minutes total. Secure document storage in a confidential location, including minutes of each meeting from a program administrator, are mandatory.
The CBME Competency Committee (RCPSC), or Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC) with the Resident Program Committee (CFPC), will be responsible for all resident trainee decisions for progress and/or promotion, and are accountable to the Residency Program Committee. It is recommended the Residency Program Director not be the Chair of the Competency Committee.
Appointment and Review Process
The CBME Competency Committee (RCPSC)/ Resident Assessment Committee (CFPC) membership should be selected by the Residency Program Committee in consultation with the Department/Division Head or delegate. A committee appointment will normally be for two or three years with the possibility for multiple renewable terms.
To the Residency Program
- RCPSC -‐‑ Monitoring the progress of each resident in demonstrating achievement of the EPAs or independent milestones within each stage of a competency-‐‑based residency training program (RCPSC)
- CFPC – Monitoring the progress of each resident and identifying and responding to residents in difficulty.
- Making decisions about:
- The promotion of residents to the next stage of training (RCPSC only);
- Determine readiness to challenge the Royal College or Family College certification examinations.
- Determine readiness to enter independent practice on completion of the transition to practice stage (RCPSC only).
- Determine when a trainee is failing to progress within the program.
- When applicable, the review and approval of enhanced learning plans, remediation and probation plans developed to address areas for improvement, in consultation with the PGME Education Advisory Board.
- All members of the committee will declare any conflicts of interest, and the committee will decide if that member must recuse themselves about decisions relating to the residents they represent.
- Maintaining confidentiality and promoting trust by sharing information only with individuals directly involved in the development or implementation of learning or improvement plans.
To the Department
- Participate in the faculty development needs and training of the Department/Division as it relates to CBME implementation (RCPSC) and/or Triple C implementation (CFPC) and ongoing quality assurance.
To the University
- Follow the defined PGME Appeals Process
- 1st level Appeal – Residency Program Committee
- 2nd level Appeal – Postgraduate Associate Dean (Academic Review Board)
- 3rd level Appeal – Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences (Postgraduate Tribunal)
- Remain up to date with the evolving CBME program literature.
Planned Review
- A formal review of this role description will occur in no more than 2 years time by the PGME leadership