Interpretation Continued...

Based on the differing PPV and NPV of a breast lump in different clinical settings, look at the different approach taken to women with the same physical finding, but different pre-test probabilities (or risk):

Setting Prevalence
Family Physician’s Office
1% 7.5% You have a lump, most likely benign. Further investigation, likely noninvasive diagnostic imaging.
Breast Screening Clinic 3% 20%
You have a lump, probably benign. Further investigation, likely noninvasive diagnostic imaging.
Surgical Clinic 50% 89% You have a lump, probably cancerous. Further investigation needed, including immediate biopsy

Here is an example of the different approach to the women with NO lump detected, but different baseline pre-test probabilities:

Family Physician’s Office
1% 99.8% No lump. Reassurance.
Breast Screening Clinic
3% 99.0%
No lump. Reassurance.
Surgical Clinic 50% 82% No lump, but still some risk of cancer (~20%). Further investigation discussed, such as screening diagnostic imaging.