

Sophia is 72 years old. She lives with her husband Primo in a three storey house. She has never smoked, drinks occasionally and never uses recreational drugs. She has Type 2 Diabetes.
Sophia has been created collaboratively by faculty from the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.

The Sophia community is a dynamic entity with ongoing development and reimagining of the case.

The Following is For Teachers Only:
Please feel free to add to the case by developing resources and/or learning objects to be included. Every aspect of this community can be customized to suit your curriculum needs. 

Social networking tools such as discussion boards, quizmaker, and events are available for use with this community. 
If you have any questions or comments please email the LTWC team.

Thanks for participating!
The LTWC team