
  • If an AHTR is suspected, the transfusion should be stopped immediately and a normal saline drip should be started to maintain IV access.
  • The purpose of initial therapy is to maintain blood pressure and renal blood flow. As such, IV saline and a diuretic (if necessary) should be administered so that urine output is maintained at 100mL/hr. (Adequate urine output must be ensured as this dilutes the blood and helps to prevent acute tubular necrosis.)
  • Additional treatment is supportive to manage complications such as bleeding caused by DIC.
  • The patient’s identity should be referenced to that on the blood product label to check for error.
  • The blood bank should be notified and samples should be sent from the patient and the remaining blood product for testing.

 Always check that the labels on the patient's wrist band match those on the blood products; ©qscalpel (photo by Adam Szulewski)