
Some define patient/client-centred care as:

"An approach in which clients are viewed as whole persons; it is not merely about delivering services where the client is located. Client centred care involves advocacy, empowerment and respecting the client's autonomy, voice, self-determination and participation in decision-making." (Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, 2006)

"Client-centred practice refers to collaborative approaches aimed at enabling occupation with clients who may be individuals, groups, agencies, governments, corporations or others. Occupational therapists demonstrate respect for clients, involve clients in meeting clients' needs, and otherwise recognize clients' experience and knowledge." (Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, 1997)


In the video, you heard about relationship-centred care:

"Care in which all participants appreciate the importance of their relationships with one another. Relationships between patients and clinicians remain central, although the relationships of clinicians with themselves, with each other and with community are also emphasized." M Beach, T Inui & the Relationship-Centred Care Research Network, 2005.


Within a collaborative practice model, both patient/client-centred care and relationship-centred care convey respectful inclusion of the patient in the health care team and are reflected in the current literature.